Grant making is a vital component of our program. It is indeed rare that a high school student gets the opportunity to award thousands of dollars to an organization without doing any fundraising. This is in large part what makes our program so special. We want the teens to focus on giving, and we make it very clear that the group consensus determines the recipients for that year's grants. As the board members change, so too might the priorities of the new board. One of our favorite meetings of the year is when the final granting decisions are made. There is never enough money to grant all money requested to all applicants. The granting discussions are 100% driven by the teen board. They each have an opportunity to present their recommendations and offer supporting information while trying to influence one another. The only rules are that everyone must listen to one another, respect one another, and keep all discussion confidential. If a board member is at all affiliated with a grant applicant, they must recuse themselves from conversation pertaining to that applicant.
Teens with a GIFT of Foresight accepts grant applications from nonprofit organizations and programs that benefit the community and are located in or near Henry County, IL. Organizations can apply for funding up to $2,000 and must agree to site visits by the TGF youth board members. The site visits will help TGF learn about the applicant organizations and how they serve our community, as well as how the grant money would be used. Applicants must also consent to a potential post-grant evaluation to allow TGF to see the results of the grant and how it is making a positive impact.
Completed applications must be postmarked by the last day of September each year. Grant recipients will be announced the following April or May. We do make exceptions to the application deadline so please feel free to inquire if the deadline has passed.
On occasion the teen board members express interest in learning about an organization or request a site visit to learn more, even if that organization has not applied for a grant. In those circumstances we will contact the organization and ask them to submit an application.
Grant Application
Good Samaritan Society Geneseo Rebuilding Together Henry County Braveheart Childrens Advocacy Center Henry County Youth Services Bureau Bishop Hill Heritage Asociation Abilities Plus Geneseo Food Pantry Good Shepherd Foundation Henry County Humane Society Sunshine Community Services Hillcrest Home Growth, Inc. Child Care Center